Vacation Destination

     Good evening everyone!  Tonight I'm gonna talk a little bit about vacations.  What's your favorite vacation spot to visit.  Leave in the comments.  Ours is definitely Disney World.  We do often visit the Smokey Mountains too.  We are very excited about our Smokey Mountain vacation coming up soon.  With a lot of the vaccine for coronavirus being distributed rapidly, we do feel a lot more safe.

    How do you plan your vacation?  We usually plan months in advance, but now-a-days you just have to wing it, or wait and see.  This can be frustrating planning a trip to Disney World considering you need reservations for just about everything.  This process can take months.  For some up to a year.  We plan out everything from our hotel, to what park we're visiting that day, to even what meal that day, if it is a dine-in restaurant.  Because we usually drive, we don't have to worry too much about flight plans, or renting a car.  I also completely understand that this is not an option for a lot of people.  For those with these extra plans in thought, absolutely have to plan way in advance to get those cheaper flights.

    Vacationing is a must in life if you ask me.  We work very hard in life to not enjoy ourselves, and get away.  Even if it's just for a few days.  Vacations can be expensive, or very cheap, depending on how you like to spend your time off.  There is nothing wrong with a little staycation as well.  Any time off you can utilize in your schedule is very beneficial in de-stress your life, and take your mind off of everyday life.  We look forward to getting away usually every six months.  It is our way of leaving our problems behind for a week or two.

    Tomorrow night, and every Friday night at 7pm eastern time, I have a live show that I hold on YouTube where I discuss these very topics.  This live stream is for everyone who wants to come in and chat and escape life's problems for a couple hours.  We talk pretty much about everything, and anything you would care to talk about.  My group of viewers our very friendly and love talking about their life journeys.

    If you would like to take part in the Live Show, I will leave a link below to take you right to our channel.  Thank you for reading, and always remember, the adventure is out there!

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